5 Tips for Choosing a Comfortable Home for Millennials

5 Tips for Choosing a Comfortable Home for Millennials

b2bleadfinders.com – Many news channels say that millennials will have difficulty buying housing because they tend to be wasteful, while housing prices are getting more and more expensive. I agree, current housing prices are already expensive, especially when compared to the UMR (Regional Minimum Wage) income of millennials. It seems difficult to get the housing you want quickly. It’s difficult but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done, I’m sure there are many millennials who can afford their dream home. For you millennials who are looking for housing and are confused about where to start, I will give you some tips link slot.

Tips before buying a residence

Before buying the residence you dream of, you should pay attention to the following tips for choosing a residence:

1. Choose a good location and access

The first tip for choosing a comfortable residence is to pay attention to its location. Yep, before choosing a residence, you should pay attention to its location. Because having a strategic residence will make it easier for you. However, finding housing in a strategic location such as in the city center is currently quite difficult, if any, the price is very expensive.

Millennials like me will look for housing in the suburbs at more affordable prices. This is not a problem, as long as access is easy. Close to public facilities such as hospitals, schools, shopping centers and public transportation. So before buying a residence, make sure the location and access are easy.

2. Pay attention and find out the environment

Choosing a good neighborhood when buying housing is very important, because you will live in that neighborhood for a long time. Can you imagine if you lived in a toxic environment, instead of being comfortable, you didn’t feel at home.

So it is very important for those of you who are going to buy a residence to find out about the surrounding conditions, especially safety. You can find out by chatting with neighbors or security guards around the residence.

3. Choose a Trusted Developer

Some time ago I read a post from one of my friends on social media. He is building a house and it will be ready soon, but he said that he had previously been deceived by developers.

Buying housing is indeed vulnerable, there is a risk of being deceived and having our money taken away. Therefore, when you want to buy a residence, it is obligatory for you to choose a trusted developer and find out about the developer. If you have found out and are confident in the developer, then you can continue.

4. Determine the type of residence

Determining the type of housing will of course affect the price, so before buying housing you should determine the right type of housing and according to your budget. Don’t buy housing that isn’t suitable and is over budget.

5. Pay attention to the payment system

Currently you can buy a house in 2 ways, cash or credit using the KPR (Home Ownership Credit) system. So, before buying a residence, make sure you know which system you will choose, of course according to the budget you have.

Because housing prices are getting more and more expensive, there’s nothing wrong with taking housing with a mortgage system. Don’t wait for your money to be collected, the price of the housing you want will skyrocket.

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