Answers about Breakups

There could be a few reasons why your ex is reaching out free sex chat to you. It’s possible that he wants to make you jealous or to gauge your reaction. naked cam girls He could also be loo

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How do you write to somebody to say you don not love them anymore?

Asked by Wiki User

When expressing that you no longer love someone, naked cam girls it’s important to be honest, sex chat yet considerate of their feelings. You could say something like, “I wanted to

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Why are adult relationships based on need so fragile and more likely to dissolve than are adult relationships based on preference?

Asked by Wiki User

Adult relationships based on need tend to be more fragile because they rely on a sense of dependency and obligation. When the needs or circumstances change, the

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How do you get your boyfriend back when he accuses you of stealing?

Asked by Wiki User

If your boyfriend accuses you of stealing, it is important to address the situation calmly and rationally. Firstly, communicate openly with him to understand wh

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When you can have complicated in a relationship?

Asked by Wiki User

Complications in a relationship can arise due to various factors such as miscommunication, trust issues, conflicting goals, or external influences. These compli

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After breaking up with your girlfriend?

Asked by Wiki User

It’s normal to feel a range of emotions after a breakup, including sadness, anger, and confusion. Give yourself time and space to process your feelings and focu

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Why do you need a heart when a heart could be broken?

Asked by Wiki User

The main reason we all need a heart is to life and be alive. All humans and animals have emotion that’s the way God made us. What kind of world would this be if

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How do you get closure when your ex ignores you completely?

Asked by Wiki User

Closure in this situation may be difficult to achieve if your ex is ignoring you completely. It’s important to focus on your own healing and moving forward. Try

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You love a girl truly even you told her about your feelings but she is not showing her love to you even she care you?

Asked by Wiki User

It’s important to remember that everyone has their own feelings and emotions. Just because you love someone doesn’t guarantee that they will feel the same way a

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How long do you have to store your ex-boyfriends belongings before they become mine?

Asked by Wiki User

Laws surrounding abandoned property and how long you have to store it vary depending on the jurisdiction, so it is best to consult local laws and regulations. I

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Is lmfao going to break up?

Asked by Wiki User

There is no definitive information or announcement about LMFAO breaking up. However, the members, Redfoo and SkyBlu, have been pursuing solo careers since 2012,

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How do you forget the one person that was suppose to be the love of your life?

Asked by Wiki User

Forgetting someone who was supposed to be the love of your life is a difficult process. It takes time, self-reflection, and self-care. Surround yourself with su

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How does one get over a fiance after five years of living together only to have him dump the girlfriend and go out with a new girlfriend while still living with his ex?

Asked by Wiki User

Getting over a breakup is a process that takes time. Allow yourself to grieve and process your emotions, and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist.

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What do you do if you dump your girlfriend then you find out that thet the resone you dumped her for is not true so you want to go back out with her?

Asked by Wiki User

If you realized that the reason you broke up with your girlfriend was not true, it’s important to be honest and communicate with her. Reach out and explain the

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What should I do my ex boyfriend said his snowmobile was more important than me and then he dumped me I love him I really do but do you think he is worth getting back or even trying to get him back?

Asked by KimberlyTemple

It is important to prioritize your own feelings and self-worth. If your ex-boyfriend has expressed that his snowmobile is more important than you and then dumpe

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Can you brake up with a girl on a note?

Asked by Wiki User

Breaking up with someone is a sensitive matter that should be done in person or through a thoughtful and respectful conversation. Ending a relationship on a not

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What is the nicest way to break up with someone you’re dating?

Asked by Wiki User

The nicest way to break up with someone you’re dating is to have an honest and open conversation with them. Choose a private and comfortable setting, and expres

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How do you make an ex girlfriend jealous even though she doesn’t love you anymore?

Asked by Wiki User

Instead of trying to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, it’s better to focus on healing and moving on from the relationship. Trying to make someone jealous is not

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What do you do when you have moved on and your ex hasn’t but you have a child together?

Asked by Wiki User

When you have moved on from your ex but they haven’t, it’s important to prioritize open and honest communication. Make sure you clearly express your feelings an

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I was in love wid ths guy he was 2 possessive n meanwhile flirted wid oder gals things dint wrk out n v broke up i cnt take my mind off him evn nw he expects me to b frndly 2 tough for m?

Asked by Wiki User

It’s understandable that you’re finding it difficult to take your mind off of him, especially if you were in love with him. However, it’s important to prioritiz

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How much space should you give someone after a breakup before trying to get back with them?

Asked by Wiki User

The amount of space needed after a breakup can vary for different individuals. It’s important to give them enough time to process their feelings and heal before

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How should you act after you get back together?

Asked by Wiki User

After getting back together, it is important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Take the time to reflect on the issues that led to the breaku

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What do you do when your regretting a break up?

Asked by Maccillia

When you’re regretting a breakup, it’s important to take time to reflect on why the relationship ended and the reasons behind your regret. Consider seeking supp

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It’s called a breakup because it’s broken?

Asked by Wiki User

This phrase is from the book “It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken” by Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt. It suggests that when a relatio

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What if you broke up with your boyfriend then got another but realized that you want the old one back?

Asked by Wiki User

It’s natural to have feelings of uncertainty after ending a relationship. Take some time for self-reflection to understand why you want your ex-boyfriend back.

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